About Us

The Vale Tutorial College is an offshoot of The Vale College. It is located at Atinuke Court, 21 Sariyu Adebisi Street, Off Aare Avenue, Bodija Ibadan. It has its own boarding and teaching facilities. It is a specialist Sixth Form College, specializing in A’level examinations that qualify students for the U.K. universities or for direct entry to 200 level in Nigerian universities.

At TVTC, students acquire more than just academic education, we believe in empowering students to take on life challenges, inculcating in them life altering concepts which makes ‘learning’ an inspiration in itself. The A’level programme runs over a period of one to two years.

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Student Life at School

At The Vale Tutorial College, our students connect to our mission and rally around it. The highlight of being at pre-varsity college is to promote maturation, and the opportunity to work with others and learn how to study effectively.

Our Class Rooms

In every class, our teachers listen, inspire and grow with you. At The Vale Tutorial College, you'll make the best friends you've ever had, help each other study for a test.

Our teachers are always there for you when you need a little extra help.


Cambrigde Int'l Exams AS

At The Vale Tutorial College, our students connect to our mission and rally around it. The highlight of being at pre-varsity college is to promote maturation, and the opportunity to work with others and learn how to study effectively.

Cambrigde Int'l Exams A2

In every class, our teachers listen, inspire and grow with you. The CIE A-Level curriculum provides a fundamental knowledge by guaranteeing comprehensive coverage in the depth of each subject offered. Students are assessed for their mastery of subject matter, their application of knowledge and understanding to everyday application and their ability to think critically in unfamiliar situations.


Cambridge IGCSE is the world’s most popular international curriculum for 14-19 year olds, leading to globally recognised and valued Cambridge IGCSE qualifications. It is part of the Cambridge Secondary 2 stage. At the Vale Tutorial College we place emphasis on in-depth knowledge, deep understanding, strong reasoning abilities and critical thinking.


The College Board states that SAT measures literacy and writing skills that are needed for academic success in college. They state that the SAT assesses how well the test takers analyze and solve problems—skills they learned in school that they will need in college. We have hundreds of SAT practice questions arranged into mini practice tests, each practice test has a score card at the end. At TVTC we give you explanations to the questions you get wrong so that you can learn from your mistakes.

